
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Birth Announcement - It's a Girl!

After 9 months of anticipation, we were finally able to meet our baby GIRL!  Elise Margaret Eme was born on 9/18/11 at 12:11 p.m. - 8lbs 30z and 21inches long with a full head of dark hair!  She is perfect and healthy and we are just so blessed to have this sweet girl in our lives.  We are proud parents to say the least!  On Saturday, September 17, Ryan and I, my in-laws and sister went to a popular Fort Wayne festival - Johnny Appleseed Festival - and we walked and walked and walked for 4 1/2 hours, and of course we ate some goooooood food too!  Then we went to run some errands, trying anything to stay up and vertical for the day to help myself progress into labor.  That evening, we were eating our last dinner with just the two of us and watching a movie when I started to notice my contractions were increasing in intensity and getting closer together and more consistent (I'd been having contractions since Thursday here and there).  So we decided to time them and for a little more than an hour they were 3-4 minutes apart and 45 seconds long.  And then when I went to the restroom, I *thought* my water had broke but wasn't quite sure what it meant to have a slow leak.  So we called the nurse and they suggested we go into Labor and Delivery (L&D).  

So off we went and they monitored me for about 2 hours, and I was progressing slowly but surely, and my contractions were staying consistent.  They weren't sure if my water broke either.  So since I was progressing and I was going to be induced later that day (by this time it was close to 1am Sunday morning), they went ahead and admitted me to L&D.  They monitored me with out any IV's or anything for a few hours and I continued to progress.  Around 3 am they put in a cervix softener to help move things along and by golly, that REALLY progressed things.  That increased my contractions to be 2 minutes apart more than 45 seconds long and WAY more intense and painful.  It only took about 45 minutes for my water to "officially" break and shortly after, I was begging for the epidural.  I give MAD PROPS to any women who does that without drugs!  Brave, brave women!  

So the ever so amazing anesthesiologist came in, gave me he epidural and life was MUCH better:)  I was able to rest a little bit since Ryan and I had been up for almost 24 hours at this point (it was about 5am).  They also started me on pitocin to get my contractions closer together.  At 8:15 a.m., I was 4cm and about 80% effaced.  By 10:15a.m. I was feeling more pressure on my tailbone so they checked me and to my surprise, I was 10 cm and 100% effaced.  So they started prepping me to start pushing.  I started pushing about 11:25ish and she was here by 12:11p.m.!  This process was way different than I ever imagined, probably because of the epidural but I was having so much fun, making jokes, and trying to keep things light since I had no idea what to expect.  I had the most amazing L&D nurse(s), especially one in particular that was helping me push.  She truly made this process move quickly and easily.  I wasn't able to have my doctor deliver her because he wasn't on call, but I ended up with a GREAT doctor and she really helped make this process much more enjoyable.   

Ryan had guessed girl the entire time but for some reason, I still thought it was truly going to be a boy!  So I was *SO* shocked when Dr. Garner held her up and I saw it was a girl!  Life with her these past 11 days has been a rollercoaster to say the least but we are enjoying every moment of it.  Despite the lack of sleep we are getting, and trying to just keep our heads above the water, we are as happy as can be!  It isn't nearly as bad as I imagined it being but I'm still adjusting to 2 hours or so of sleep at night.  And trying to get breastfeeding down is challenging but I'm hanging in there!  She is precious!  

Thank you for all your love, support, and prayers during my pregnancy and after!  We have been blessed with so many loving family and friends who have showered us with gifts and food and support during this time in our lives.  We can't express how greatful we are! 

I plan to keep updating this blog with updates on Elise, but it may not be weekly until I can get a good routine established with her.  

My sister-in-law was able to be in the labor and delivery room with us to get pictures of Elise being born!  I can't wait to see them!  Here is one of Elise just minutes after being born.  She also took newborn pictures of her last Thursday so I'm anxious to see and share those too!

Baby Girl Love,

Ryan, Liz, & Elise

Saturday, September 17, 2011

40 weeks on Sunday

So during this 39th/40th week of pregnancy, I keep trying to remember the things I liked and things I didn't like so much about pregnancy.  With other people announcing they are pregnant in the last few weeks, it makes me think back to that week of my pregnancy and think about what goes on during that week.  I can honestly say that being pregnant was way different than I ever imagined.  Not in a good way or a bad way, just different.  My whole life I tried to think about what it would be like being pregnant and this has definitely been different.  First, I never thought I would have such a selfless, caring, and wonderful partner by my side during this journey.  My husband has by far exceeded my expectations when it came to taking care of me and the baby.  It really showed me ((not like I needed much convincing)) how lucky and blessed I am and how wonderful of a daddy he will be.  I really had a very smooth and easy pregnancy.  I consider myself very lucky because I had absolutely no morning sickness the entire time, and everything was very easy.  Hearing other womens stories makes me realize how much worse it could have been.  I can't wait to do this again but I'm definitely looking forward to NOT being pregnant for a little while:) 

I had a doctors appointment on Thursday ((39weeks4days)) and everything was still looking good with baby.  I gained some weight, but sort of knew that since I *felt* like I was getting bigger.  My blood pressure and everything still looks great.  Baby E is measuring right on at 39 weeks.  I was about 1 cm dilated and my cervix was still just soft, not really effaced.  We have an induction scheduled for Sunday at 6pm! We are so excited to finally know this baby is going to be here! I'm nervous but sooo ready!  We'll keep you all posted.  

Keep us in your prayers,

Liz & Baby E

Thursday, September 8, 2011

39 Weeks

So Thursday, I had my 38 week check up ((actually 38 weeks 4 days)).  My blood pressure was still good (118/62) and urine checked all good.  I lost 4 pounds which I'm not quite sure how that happened but my guess is this appointment was at 8:45 in the morning and last week was at 2:30 in the afternoon so less food maybe?  The doctor wasn't concerned since I'm not vomiting or anything like that.  Baby E's heartbeat sounded good at 156.  However, I am still 0 cm dilated and not effaced/barely effaced.  It is frustrating to say the least since I am soooo uncomfortable most days.  I'm not contracting a whole lot, or at least they aren't painful, so I was sort of not surprised.  But I've been walking, walking, and more walking, and eating spicy food, and nothing is working thus far.  So he said at next weeks appointment, we'll set a date for induction, if I don't go into labor before then.  I would love to wait it out but he isn't going to let me go much past my due date so I wouldn't have much time to wait anyways.  And my stomach is so stretched out around my belly button that it is painful and splitting.  So we casually talked about inducing me on Sunday the 18th, which is my actual due date.  I'm just excited to know an end is in sight!  I'm more than ready to get this baby out!:)  We are anxious to know if we have a little girl or boy in there!:)   We figure Baby E is just nice and cozy in there ...or just plain stubborn ((like his/her parents:)))

Just wanted to update you all!  <3

Monday, September 5, 2011

38 weeks

So 38 weeks has arrived!  As of last Thursday, I am still 0 cm dilated but my cervix is beginning to soften.  I finally gained a little weight but I am okay with it since I hadn't in the last 5 weeks.  My blood pressure and signs of preeclampsia are staying away! I really can't complain about this pregnancy!  I have been very blessed with a very non-complicated one!  Although I feel like lately, I'm one big, stinking complainer.  I am struggling to get some good, quality sleep.  I toss and turn multiple times throughout the night.  My hips, ribs, or sturnum ache throughout the night.  I have some crazy heartburn when I lay down.  All no fun.  Not to mention, my huge stomach makes it hard to get comfy in bed.  All will go away soon, and then I won't be sleeping for other reasons but at least it won't be painful sleep ((I hope at least!:)))

I have the baby bag and my bag all packed for the hospital.  I have probably ((more than likely)) over packed but I always pack wayyyyy more than I need so why change my pattern now!?:)  I have a few misc. things to get this week for after I come home from the hospital, but other than that I'm pretty ready to go.  We have everything washed and ready to go so now we just wait for baby:)  I'm walking lots and trying to stay active to start this progress. 

Isn't my husband so handsome!:)  Here we are 38 weeks!

Hope you all have a great week and pray for some progression!:)